Why Some Entrepreneurs Succeed

Why is it that some people are destined for success while others will never fulfill their full potential? What sets apart those that “make it” from those that never really make any money from their ventures?

I recently attended the DCBKK conference in Bangkok, and while there were many entrepreneurial takeaways, what stood out to me were the things that differentiated those who had “succeeded” (in their sense of the term) form those who were still trying to make it work.

Jaiya: The Sex Quiz That Will Change Your Life

Internationally recognized, award-winning sexologist and best selling author (Red Hot Touch), Jaiya is the creator of the Erotic Blueprint Breakthrough™ and the Erotic Blueprint™ Quiz. Through more than two decades of client observation and clinical research she discovered a map of arousal that reveals your specific erotic language, a revolutionary framework to create deeper connection and sexual satisfaction.