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Canada, Community and 3 Bold Moves for the Price of One - #boldestyearyet Week 2

“Have a nice trip!” said the border patrol with a classically kind Canadian smile. 

That’s it? I thought. 

Two minutes, a handful of questions, and some pleasantries, and I was allowed to pass. It was 6 pm on a Friday and with no other cars in line, it occurred to me that I’d waited longer in the Starbucks drive-through. It was all-in-all pretty anticlimactic.

I’ve spent the past two years dreaming about what it would be like to cross this threshold.  

A couple of years ago I lived and worked in the San Juan islands off the coast of Washington, all the while knowing some of my closest friends were just a ferry ride away. A ferry that I was not permitted to take. Only people who had received the you-know-what were allowed entry at that point.

So I bided my time, knowing in my heart that someday this seemingly arbitrary ban would be lifted. And eventually, it was.

Now, there are no masks, and the only thing they want proof of is your citizenship.

Oh, life.

It’s funny though. How much my nervous system remembers what it’s like to be told you’re not welcome here.

It touches this primal part of me that longs to belong. That needs it to survive.

This post is less about that bold decision I made two years ago to forgo medical mandates and more about the decision I made this week to face something head-on that made me feel a little wobbly. But that also brought me SO MUCH JOY.

Hint: that’s typically how it works.

Most things we want lie on the other side of some arbitrary border, or fabricated limitation. Sometimes imposed by the outside world, but often created inside our very own minds.

The #boldestyearyet challenge is about choosing to move beyond limitations and step into possibility. 

And so, with the border behind me I continued my drive into East Vancouver and 30 minutes later I was squeezing one of my dearest girlfriends. 

What ensued was a weekend full of laughter, good food, epic nature, and soul-quenching tribe.

Last week, I asked my Instagram community what they thought this week’s bold move was going to be...

I’m kind of a rascal, so if I’m being honest it was a trick question. The correct answer was all of the above.

So yes, I’m over here stacking bold moves and eating them for breakfast. 


  • Bold Move #1: This weekend I met not just one, but FOUR soul sisters that I’ve known virtually for almost 3 years. Hundreds of zoom calls under our belt before we were finally able to hug in real life.

  • Bold Move #2: I visited another country which proved to be so easy, and shockingly close that I’ve decided to make it a regular thing. My enneagram 7 cup runneth over from all the adventure and new scenery. 

  • Bold Move #3: I rewired my nervous system by putting myself in a situation that at one point I was told, I wasn’t allowed to (and I believed it). 

One of the biggest gifts I’m recognizing through the #BoldestYearYet challenge, is how easy it starts to be to push against my comfort zone. I get EXCITED about planning out my bold move(s) for the week.

Our reality is merely a reflection of our internal world, and by embracing this challenge my internal world instantly changed. My identity upgraded with that simple decision.

I take bold action weekly. 

I expand, I create, I move beyond limitations on a regular basis.

It’s like those people you hear about who one day just decide they are no longer available for being overweight. Or broke. And, in an instant, that decision sets them down a totally different trajectory. 

Their identity shifts, and with it their actions. These new actions support the new beliefs, and it becomes a positive feedback loop that keeps bearing fruit. Juicy, delicious, divinely aligned fruit.

If that sounds appealing, then I invite you to join in on the challenge. It’s never too late to start, and it’s free to participate.

Here are some of the bold moves that other participants have already been making: 

  • Christina sent in her resignation to work so she can move to a new city

  • Emily hosted her first virtual women’s group

  • Molly applied for a new job in a different city

  • Cat hosted her first ecstatic dance and had over 40 people show up

  • Lina recorded her first podcast episode!

So many inspiring stories and we’re only in our 3rd week!

Just think…what could you create or shift in just a few short months with one weekly inspired action? 

I’m here cheering you on. 

Hugs and love,