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The Top 4 Takeaways from 4 Days with Mike Dooley

This past weekend I attended a conference hosted by the one and only Mike Dooley (author of the daily emails, Notes from the Universe). I became certified to teach the principles in his bestselling book, Infinite Possibilities. (woohoo!!)

It blew my mind, melted my heart, and lit a fire under me in ways that I’ve been struggling to articulate. 

With a little journaling, and a lot of caffeine, I’ve been able to process, and now compile the top 4 things I’ve taken from my time with the master of Thoughts Become Things.


1. Prioritize visualization. 

Mike is a big proponent of visualization, conscious thinking, and doing what he calls “Living as if” to attract the life and circumstances that you want most. There are endless examples of successful millionaires, celebrities, athletes, etc. who utilize these tools to achieve their goals. 

The biggest mistake he sees people make, though? 

NOT actually doing it! 

He uses teeth-brushing as an example. We’re told this will improve our lives, and we take this information as truth. So much so that we prioritize this activity on a daily basis. Maybe even multiple times a day! (I approve). 

We even have a special place in our home where we do it. And most of us spend time and money to go out into the world and purchase tools that will make us more efficient at this practice. 

All because someone told you it was necessary to be a healthier (ergo happier) you. 

Mike argues, that visualization is no different. For something that only requires 5 minutes of our time (max!) per day to achieve, it often gets pushed under the rug. 

Ask any Olympian, or miraculous survivor of some chronic injury or desease, chances are they will tell you that they won or overcame their ailment because they saw themselves doing so. 

Don’t believe it? Give it a shot for 1 month. See what opportunities start coming your way to support that vision. 

Top 4 things you can do to ensure your visualization practice is as effective as possible?

  1. Keep it brief and only visualize one goal at a time. 
  2. Think of all the details (the sights, sounds, textures, etc.)
  3. FEEL into it as much as you can. SEE yourself being happy and let yourself smile if that’s the emotion you’re going for. 

2. Take your “Live As If” game to a whole new level. 

In addition to visualizing the life you want, Mike proposes that you start living as if you’ve already achieved these desires now. Start talking as if it’s your reality. Start acting as if it’s already happened.

But what if you’re not very good at visualization? Or you’re having trouble feeling into the emotion of “Living as if” because you think you’re full of shit.

Not to say you haven’t tried. Maybe you’ve even set up a special visualization chair and you tell all your friends and family that you’ll be sending the jet to pick them up for dinner on Sunday. 

If you're having trouble visualizing, acting 'as if' or feelingggg the emotions of your mindset practice, whatever the reason may be, make the reality of your desires as tangible as possible. 

Let me give you an example:

At the Infinite Possibilities conference, there was a 'Come as Your Future Self’ party. We each were invited to dress up, bring props, and come with details of our future life, and act as though it was already happening in real time.

To really get into the character of future Kim, I painted a Bold Life Movement branded shirt because I know that future me will have a SUPER strong, recognizable brand with ample merch for my Bold Life Ambassadors. It felt really amazing to walk around all night being recognized for my well-known brand and the impact it’s had on the lives of so many people. 

The thing that gave me the most *feels* though was my 'Bestselling Book.'

I created a book cover in canva, printed it out, and wrapped it around a book I already owned. Holding that book in my hand felt so real. I was utterly giddy when I walked out of Office Max with a copy of MY BOOK in my hand. 

I spared no detail in the design. I included everything from an author bio, to a Foreword by one of my mentors and ‘future friends.'

When I shared pictures of me with this book on Facebook, I received so much support that I’m confident half the people who commented thought I actually had released a book already. And let them! 

The more you act as if your dreams and desires are real, the more the Universe starts to shift things into place to accommodate.

3. Be visible. I cannot emphasize this enough.

Whether you’re an entrepreneur, or an employee. Whether your desires are for a better career, or a better relationship. You HAVE to put yourself out there. 

If people don’t know who you are and what you have to offer, how will they now to buy your products or services, or give you that promotion? How will they know to ask you out? How will they know to offer you that book deal?

With the internet, it may seem like there are endless ways in which you could be visible, and that’s true. So pick the best ones for you. But be sure to pick!

Whether it’s Facebook, twitter, instagram, or Linked in. Utilize those tools, but not JUST those found on the internet.

Be visible in an elevator with strangers, as well. Attend events, and be visible by getting on stage whenever possible, asking questions, volunteering, etc. Go to meet ups in your area, or join Toastmasters if the thought of talking to people scares the shit out of you. Get practice at being visible, and get out there. 

The life of your dreams is not going to find you sitting on the couch at home with your vision board.

I was sure to MAKE myself known at this conference and on the last day someone came up to me and said the kindest words.  He gave me a pin that his group leader had gifted to him, that read “I believe in you.”

He said to me, “Of the 150 ppl here I believe in you the most. I already see everything you shared in your vision happening for you. You're unstoppable."

I was beyond touched.

I’ve shared before how being visible on twitter changed my life and let me quit my corporate job to travel. The same is possible for you. Get out there and let your mind be blown by what happens.

4. Stop searching outside of yourself.

This resonates a lot with me because I'm a coach. It's SO easy to 'compare and despair' in this industry when you're inundated daily with the successes of others.  But in the end it doesn't matter how other people run their programs, or communicate their message. I feel most fulfilled when I'm being authentically me, and it's only then that I attract the clients who are the best fit. 

This nugget of advice can apply to anyone's life, though. 

Take what feels right from your advisors, coaches, friends, parents, etc. and leave what doesn't.

If you're struggling to make a decision or decide your next path in life, look inside for what excites you the most and go with it. Trust your gut, as they say. 

You will attract the people you're meant to work with, be in relationships with, and learn from by BEING YOURSELF.

By acting as authentic as possible your impact on those around you and the ripple effect that can generate will be greater. 

Lastly, have fun!