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How to Create Achievable Goals for 2017

Goal Setting 2017

2017 is comin' in HOT. 

I absolutely LOVE reflecting on the past year, and preparing for the year ahead. I'm one of those people who nerds out hard on planners, and organization. But more than that, it's really fun to daydream about what I want life to look like (and then remember that it's 100% possible to make it happen.)

If there's one thing that I've learned for CERTAIN over the past few years, it's that deciding, committing, visualizing, and taking action towards a goal, always results in its manifestation. This post isn't about how to manifest your dreams though; today we want to set you up for success in 2017 by creating measurable, reachable goals. 

Have you started thinking about what you want to achieve, and what you want your life to look like 365 days from now? 

If you're a procrastinator, or you're just a poor goal setter, fret not.

I created this short vid to outline HOW to create achievable goals to keep you going strong through 2017. 


You deserve to have the best year yet, so why not set yourself up for success?

*Cheers to making life whatever we want*

Hugs & Love,

PS - We still have some spots open for the 2017 Bold Life Business School - Personal Branding Bootcamp.

If you're thinking that NOW MIGHT ACTUALLY be the time to launch your business and make an impact, book a call with me asap to see if you're a good fit.